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Get CRM URL in Power Automate

Posted in Dynamics 365, Power Automation, and Power Platform

Sometimes you need to work with the URL of your CRM within Power Automate, for example:

  • to relate or unrelate two records with the Common Data Service (current environment) connector
    CRM URL in Power Automate
  • or writing an email with a hyperlink to a record.

If you have a multi-staged environment and you build your Flow solution aware, you don’t want to update your static URLs after each transport.


‘Recycle’ the OData Id from a previous CDS action.

CRM URL in Power Automate
  1. We need an previous CDS action that has an OData Id within its output (like shown above).
    If you have no action like this, consider to create a “List records” action which is limited to 1 by the “Top count” option.
  2. Create a “Compose” action and give it the OData_Id as input.
  3. Create an other “Compose” action and give it following expression to receive the CRM URL.
    concat(join(take(split(outputs('OData_Id'), '/'), 3), '/'), '/')
  4. Create an other “Compose” action and give it following expression to receive the OData URL.
    concat(join(take(split(outputs('OData_Id'), '/'), 6), '/'), '/')
Compose URL in Flow

How it works

  • concat(join(take(split(outputs('OData_Id'), '/'), 3), '/'), '/')
    Contains the OData Id we’ve stored in the first “Compose” action.

  • concat(join(take(split(outputs('OData_Id'), '/'), 3), '/'), '/')
    Cuts the URL string in separate substring wherever a slash (‘/’) is.
    0: "https:"
    1: ""
    2: ""
    3: "api"
    4: "data"
    5: "v9.1"
    6: "cdi_postedform(792189BA-BA04-E711-80F6-C4346BAC4DDC)"

  • concat(join(take(split(outputs('OData_Id'), '/'), 3), '/'), '/')
    Merge the first 3 entries of the splitted URL to a new array.
    0: "https:"
    1: ""
    2: ""

  • concat(join(take(split(outputs('OData_Id'), '/'), 3), '/'), '/')
    Merge the new array into a string and separate the entries by a slash (‘/’).

  • concat(join(take(split(outputs('OData_Id'), '/'), 3), '/'), '/')
    Create a new string with the merged URL and put a slash (‘/’) at its end.

In the same way you receive the OData URL when you “take” the first 6 elements instead of the first 3 elements.


  1. That’s really useful article.
    For writing an email with a hyperlink to a record, I guess I still need to retrieve the model-driven App GUID from Environment variables.

  2. Hassan Suhaib

    Thank you for being so AWESOME!


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