Email marketing tools automatic add query strings at the end of urls of your hyperlinks. That’s a common way to pass additional informations to the target website inside of hyperlinks. Mostly these are informations about which channel the visitor came and to which campaign the visit is related to.
The target website should validate the passed query strings and ignore them if it don’t know what to do with. But sometimes you a have target website that crash painfully with a 404 error.
Solution – Mask query strings
Instead of trying to fix the targets understanding of the query strings, you can mask the query strings when you create the hyperlink in your email marketing tool.
Just put the anchor identifier “#” at the end your link url. By that way the recipients web browser interprets the query string as an anchor within the target website. As there is no anchor text with that name on the target website, it has no effect. That’s in the specification of HTML since version 4.01 from 1999 – yes that was is in the last century.
You see how important it is to test your mailing with real recipients.